Content Writing

It’s easier than ever to start a website. And advertising platforms like Google AdSense can make earning an income from those websites easy as well.

But not all websites are created equal. There are certain topics that tend to earn more than others when it comes to including AdSense ads. And there are some topics that are especially popular with online consumers. Of course, you’ll need some actual knowledge and expertise in the niche you want to build a website around. But if you’re looking to stick with a topic that has some AdSense earning potential, take a look at these 50 options.

Health Information

Health is one of the most profitable topics out there for AdSense websites. If you’re knowledgeable on health topics, you can offer general information or focus on a specific health related niche. But use care when dealing with medical advice.

Fitness Tips

You can also focus on fitness rather than other health issues. Offer workout routines and tips to those looking to change up their exercise methods.

Diet Tips

For another popular health related niche, you can offer some diet tips and recipes for health food and weight loss.


Technology is another popular topic for AdSense sites. You can create a website that share information about new innovations or even focus on a specific brand or type of device.

IT News

You can also create a site that’s more geared toward IT professionals or that can help individuals troubleshoot various tech issues.

Smartphone Information

Smartphones are clearly one of the most buzzworthy types of products out there. So within the tech niche, you can create a website that’s all about different smartphone options and the new models being released.

Mobile Apps

You can also create lists and databases about the various mobile apps that are available, as mobile apps are another popular topic within AdSense.

Software Information

Or you could focus on a specific type or brand of software and build a business around sharing information and updates related to it.


Fashion is another popular topic. You can share news from designers, trends, fashion tips and more.

Beauty Tips

You can also create a website where you share beauty tips and trends related to makeup, hair and nails.

Relationship Advice

If you have experience in relationship counseling or related fields, you can start a website where you answer questions and offer advice on personal relationships.

Family Topics

Family related websites can also help you integrate a number of popular AdSense keywords. You can share family friendly events and activities, parenting advice and more.

Home Care

Or you can create a website that serves as a great resource for homeowners, offering tips and solutions to common home care issues ranging from decor to necessary home repairs.


Gardening can also fall into that category, though you can also build a standalone website that’s just dedicated to gardening tips and advice.

Personal Finance

Finance is a hugely popular topic online and when it comes to AdSense earning potential. You can start a website where you offer finance tips and news that could relate to individuals and their finances.

Forex Trading

Or you could get even more specific and build a website that’s completely dedicated to foreign exchange trading rates and updates.

Student Loan Information

Student loans also offer a lot of opportunities for you to share relevant information with people looking for help with their student loan related decisions.

Mortgage Information

You can also focus specifically on mortgage rates and updates to provide valuable information to homeowners and those looking to buy.

Credit Information

Or you could focus more generally on credit and offer comparisons and valuable insights to help people make credit related decisions.

Insurance Information

Insurance related keywords pay relatively high per click from Google Adsense and have relatively low competition so a site containing detailed and valuable information on various kinds of insurance might be a very profitable one.

Real Estate Information

Real estate is another popular topic for AdSense websites. Offer real estate listings or information geared toward a specific area.


You can also create a website that shares information related to automobiles, like automotive news, vehicle listings and even repair tips.

Celebrity News

Popular celebrities also garner a lot of search traffic. So you could start a celebrity news site or start a fan site related to a specific celebrity.

Entertainment Information

Or you could focus on more general entertainment topics, like reviews about movies, TV shows or books.

Sports News

Sports are also hugely popular online. So you could start a website that offers sports scores and headlines or one related to a specific city or team.

Online Games

Online games can also be a great subject for a website business. You can develop your own games so that people are likely to spend a lot of time on your site. Or you could also provide information and insights into popular games that people can play on other platforms.

Political Updates

Political news and updates can get a lot of attention online. So you could start a site where you share news and information about different candidates or politicians.

Viral Videos

Everyone loves a good viral video. So if you create a website where you share funny and interesting viral content, you could potentially get a lot of views and thus, a lot of AdSense income.


Travel is another topic that’s popular with AdSense advertisers, especially information about airlines and hotels. So you could create a website that shares travel tips and deals to get in on this popular niche.

Photography Tips

There’s also a lot of advertising power behind the photography business. So if you start a website where you share photography tips and opinions about different types of equipment, you could potentially earn a lot of revenue from AdSense.

Read Also : Want to make more money from Google AdSense? Check this plugin.

Stock Images

Or you could start a website where you offer stock images in a particular niche and simply include some AdSense space on your site.

Blogging Tips

Blogging tips are also popular in online searches. So if you’re an experienced blogger, you could share some of your expertise in a separate website.

Social Media News

You could also start a site where you share social media tips and news about the various platforms that are popular with individuals and businesses.

Search Engine Optimization

Another aspect of blogging and running a website, you can use your SEO expertise to gain a lot of search traffic to your SEO website, then reap the benefits from AdSense.

Web Design

You can also start a website that offers information about web design and development topics.

Graphic Design

Or you could focus on graphic design related topics.

Domain and Hosting Information

Domain and hosting information is also fairly popular when it comes to AdSense. So you can start a website where you offer tips and information related to those aspects of starting a website.

Money Making Tips

One of the most profitable topics for AdSense websites is money making tips — specifically, making money online. So you could start a website that offers tips and methods people can use to make some extra income online.

Money Saving Tips

Similarly, you could also start a website where you provide tips and methods for people to save their money or spend less.

Business Tips

Most of the popular AdSense topics are geared toward individual consumers. But you can also create a website that offers tips and information for businesses.

Marketing Tips

More specifically, you can offer marketing tips and valuable information on various marketing methods.

Advertising News

Advertising is another B2B topic that can be profitable for AdSense websites. You can provide tips or share examples that advertisers can look to for inspiration.


Cybersecurity has become a major issue for both consumers and businesses. So you can help those looking for information and earn some AdSense revenue by starting a website on the topic.

Farming and Agriculture

Farming is another profitable AdSense topic. So if you’re knowledgeable about farming and agriculture techniques, you can make a business out of sharing your expertise online.

Education News

Things like online classes and information about various colleges get a lot of search traffic. So websites that offer information in those areas can earn a lot of AdSense revenue.

Charitable Information

There’s also a lot of popular keywords related to charitable giving, specifically donating cars or other large items. So you could set up a website where you can point people looking to donate those items in the right direction.

Traffic Updates

Though this would take a lot of updating, people are always looking for updates on traffic in their area. So you could start a site dedicated to providing those updates in real time.

Local Business Listings

You could also start a website where you list local businesses in different niches, ranging from restaurants and stores to service providers like plumbers and electricians.

Law and Lawyer Information

Specifically, information about lawyers and lawsuit information can generate a lot of search traffic and be very profitable for AdSense sites.

Breaking News

And of course, so many people turn to websites now for breaking news updates. So you could start a blog or online publication dedicated to sharing the latest breaking stories.

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